How One Psychotherapist Utilizes Resonance Repatterning With Clients In A Private Practice

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker I am a fully qualified mental health practitioner with the immense good fortune to live my professional life assisting others in their efforts to become their most expanded selves.

On a day to day basis I witness subtle and not so subtle evidence of change in my clients as they relax into new awareness.

I notice the changes in how they are holding themselves in their bodies, in the freed –up expressiveness of their faces, in the very color of their skin tone and circulation as they embrace new coherence in their body-mind systems.

I am blessed to have the right tools at the right time to facilitate the changes. The most comprehensive tool in my toolbox is all that Resonance Repatterning has to offer.

Our colleague Dr. Shirley Lanyi wrote an article in the August, 2010 RPA Journal Thoughts On The Resonance Repatterning Practitioner-Client Process which focuses on the healing relationship. She explores the connection and necessary conditions for an effective therapeutic alliance.

She states

“In conclusion,…. We are part of our clients’ process. Our ability to act with loving kindness, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, via our responses and reactions, conscious and unconscious, facilitates our clients’ process, healing and growth, as well as our own.”

This will always be the most important aspect of any practitioners work. What we do is secondary to how it is done, who we are, and what we bring to the therapeutic partnership.

That being said, I’d like to share some applications of Resonance Repatterning in a psychotherapeutic practice.

Naturally, one application is to use the whole process intact with some clients. This allows a practitioner, via muscle checking for what is needed, to access what the specific client needs from the full resources of the system.

We could fill volumes of successful interventions in this category!

Most interesting is the fact that many strategies would be impossible without Resonance Repatterning. For example, one of my clients adopted a newborn child several years ago. With the adoptive mother muscle checking by proxy for the infant, and with a visible sign of permission from the infant when asked out loud, we proceeded to do a series of in person repatternings to deal head on with the infant’s separation from the birth mother.

As the child grew older, repatternings were done to handle other life issues and the child would ask for a session when he felt it was something that he needed.

Clearly even a non- traditional psychotherapy practice would not have been able to embrace this kind of preventative work.

While working with psychotherapy clients several aspects of the Resonance Repatterning system are utilized routinely.

In establishing the framework of the therapeutic alliance verbally and non-verbally there is emphasis on the fact that the person intrinsically has the keys to attain their own sense of well being and wholeness. My job is to assist them in accessing their own wisdom. Although I can provide a safe container for exploration and I can participate as a team member towards the achievement of their goals, I can neither do the work for them nor can I dictate what needs to be done.

Again, this view of a therapeutic partnership is key to the foundation in the Resonance Repatterning client-practitioner endeavor.

Even before introducing the concept of muscle checking with a psychotherapy client, throughout sessions there is the routine use of pauses, nose breathing and simple grounding modalities. As sessions continue, muscle checking for the client’s needs can be incorporated into the psychotherapy session.

With this essential tool accessed, stress reduction and counter-anxiety modalities can be taught to the client according to exactly what that person’s system dictates. Additionally, a session can not only begin with the social work cardinal rule of starting where the client is, but the verbal explorations in a session can be viewed with the perspectives of Problems and Opportunities.

Once we begin using the context of Problems and Opportunities for discussion, statements are written and can be energetically cleared with a modality, if appropriate, so that the psychotherapy session often incorporates profound energetic shifts of material brought to the discussion.

The result is that clients frequently leave their psychotherapy session feeling empowered, ready to integrate changes made and eager to uncover more material in their next session. This is in contrast to the situation that frequently occurs in psychotherapy when the client finally gets to the real “meat” and primary issue of a session just before they need to walk out the door.

These “doorknob revelations” leave the client feeling frustrated and thwarted, like they are on the edge of discovering something great that may be easily lost in transit.

Although toleration of frustration and respect for the boundaries that time limitations impose may be important elements in developing the emotional resiliency necessary for wholeness, when this is added frequently to the mix of the psychotherapy client’s experience of raw vulnerability it may destroy the motivation to continue the process.

As with all things in life, balance is essential. Using muscle checking to determine what is best as dictated by a person’s higher self is a way to grow optimal well-being not only for the Resonance Repatterning client, but for the psychotherapy client as well.





Meryl Chodosh-Weiss is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in New York City. She is the leader of the ongoing NYC Practitioner Skills Development Group,  an RPA Designated Observer,  a member of the RPA Hall of Fame,  a former member – past Chair of the RPA Certification Board and a former Resonance Repatterning teacher.

You can reach Meryl at

Phone: 212-628-8260
Web Site:

Author: merylchodoshweiss

Meryl Chodosh-Weiss is a Manhattan-based New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a developer/practitioner of Infinity Healing, a Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, a Certified Practitioner of Resonance Repatterning® since 1996, and Reiki Master who has worked in the health and education field for over 40 years. Her current practice, Resonant Healing, involves private, holistic psychotherapy, Infinity Healing and other energy healing work. A graduate of Cornell University with a major in Child Development and Family Relations, she holds an MA in Early Childhood Education and her Masters in Social Work from New York University. Her passion is in helping others experience themselves as the bliss that they can be especially when the person sees life’s challenges, or their own selves, as obstacles that keep him/her stuck. Together, Meryl and the client uncover the hidden opportunities for new expressions of positive direction that the challenges offer, building on the existing strengths that the person already possesses. Meryl’s ability to successfully engage with her client, heart to heart, as the client yearns to attain greater self-empowerment and new experiences of innate wholeness is based on her continual cultivation of her own spiritual, emotional, mental and physical expansiveness. As a life-long healer, she describes her natural proclivity as her ability to be a healing- agent for others’ self-transformation. She lives a rewarding, full life filled with family, friends, flower gardening, photography, purpose and the many joys of New York City life.

2 thoughts on “How One Psychotherapist Utilizes Resonance Repatterning With Clients In A Private Practice”

  1. Dear Meryl,
    I am so very grateful for your article and the perspective you offer as a Licensed Therapist.

    Since I am not a therapist in a traditional sense I often wonder how my interaction add or detracts healing for my clients beyond the scope of the RR process. Your article is a comfort.

    I would like more of your perspective and hopefully will write more upon the subject as topics you deem helpful emerge.

    Thank you.
    Zumi Potts


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