Resonance Repatterning® and Abundance

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and working on Abundance, so this month’s Journal theme is right up my alley.  Twenty years ago I had a moment of clarity and realized that I was living in a state of scarcity, lack and poverty consciousness.  I worked seven days a week, had no vacation time, put in 67 hours between two jobs and was out of my house about 85 hours each week.  Having the moment of clarity was a miracle in itself since I was so tired most of the time I was simply on autopilot, moving from point A to point B and completing whatever task was in front of or assigned to me.

So in this moment of clarity I see that I’ve been looking at life, resources, and myself from one fixed position.  There’s never enough.  I was like a satellite dish only receiving this one signal.  I needed to know what other signals might be out there and then I needed to figure out how to become a receptor for them.  This was years before my first encounter with Resonance Repatterning, but intuitively I understood that once I’d identified my problem, “I live in a state of scarcity and lack,” I needed to identify a new way of being–specifically and in detail.

I decided to look up the opposite or antonym of scarcity because I wanted to flip the coin and live at the other end of the spectrum.  What I found was abundance.  A·bun·dance, according to is:

          an extremely plentiful supply, a great or plentiful amount, an overflowing fullness. 

That was a good start, but I wanted more detail so I looked up the synonyms for abundance and found:

         affluence, wealth, ampleness, bounty, copiousness, fortune, myriad, opulence,
plenitude, plenty, plethora, profusion, prosperity, prosperousness, riches, and thriving.

YES, I thought, Yes indeed!  THESE are the signals I’d like to be receiving, but how do I become a subscriber to these signals of abundance, where do I sign up?  How do I become a receptor and turn myself in the direction of nurturance, plenty, prosperousness and abundance?”

I did okay for a while by simply changing my focus, but once Resonance Repatterning came into my life, answering the questions above became much easier.  The first time I used Resonance Repatterning to work on abundance or prosperity issues was during the three and a half years I participated in Kenya de Rosa’s weekly group for creative artists.  Kenya created this group in 1999 with the intention of helping creative artists clear away blockages that kept them from achieving all they desired for their creative selves and lives.

In Kenya’s group we worked with Catherine Ponder’s classic book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.  Using Resonance Repatterning to literally shift ourselves ON so we were resonating with the affirmations we found in the book was a revelation for me.  Doing this work taught me how resonating or being aligned with a thought or action manifested in me, physically, emotionally and mentally.  When I’m resonating with something everything is lined up inside me, there’s ease in my body and an upward flow of energy.  When I’m not resonating with my thoughts or actions, I suffer from that push-me-pull-you tension of wanting something with part of me while another less visible part pulls hard against it.

Working with Kenya inspired me to take classes to learn Resonance Repatterning for myself.  I began my studies in 2002 and in 2007 achieved my certification.  From the moment I completed Fundamentals, I’ve been using the tools of Resonance Repatterning to get my satellite dish pointed in the right direction so I can be receptive to the signals and frequencies of abundance.  Resonance Repatterning is an ideal tool for switching our systems ON for thriving and taking in the richness of life.  After Kenya’s group, I’ve been involved with many different groups using Resonance Repatterning to support an alignment with Abundance.

I participated in a prosperity group in 2004 offered by my dear friend and fellow practitioner Carol Cannon.  Carol is a Reiki Master, and so we used Reiki, principles and information from Debtors Anonymous and Resonance Repatterning to clear issues and intentions related to Abundance.  This was one of my favorite prosperity groups, as I won a free trip to London while I was in it.  Man, I LOVE manifesting!

Early in 2010 I spoke with Liz Tobin about the upcoming Annual RPA Conference and while we were chatting, I said I was in the process of launching my private practice.  She told me when she began her practice someone recommended she try offering a 100 Days of Prosperity proxy package for $100 – just a dollar a day.  She said it worked quite well for her and recommended I try it for myself.  This was like receiving a signal from an oracle, as Liz is a master of the proxy group.  Check out her “Transforming Money Archetypes and Karmic Contracts” series.  I joined and highly recommend it.  Being able to receive regular sessions in this manner has had a powerful and profound effect on me, on my life and the work I do.

Liz’s suggestion for the 100 Days project created a world of new possibilities for me.  Not only could I use the tools of Resonance Repatterning to become a receptor for abundance, I could offer this to others as well.  I could be a receptor, and a transmitter.  I could launch my business, share Resonance Repatterning with more people, helping them to create positive change in their lives, and continue to explore the myriad facets of abundance. Doing this 100 Days project was so successful that I’ve offered it twice already and my clients are eagerly anticipating my next session.

As I said, I’ve thought a lot about abundance since that moment of clarity twenty years ago, so this is a topic that’s not only close to my heart, its something I’ve learned quite a bit about.  I’ve come to understand that in working on abundance we work on the full spectrum of life itself.  Delving down and identifying the blockages we have when it comes to giving and receiving, creating coherence regarding our energy, power and success or working with our feelings of being safe and deserving touch core patterns that exist across all features of our human landscape.  I’ve learned that in working to align with abundance we must chase our every feeling, belief and experience of scarcity, lack or shortage out of the dark and into the light.  I’ve learned that we need to be fearless and to be gentle, compassionate and passionate, we need to empower and to allow ourselves to flourish and to thrive.

Having the opportunity to learn and the ability to use a system like Resonance Repatterning supports all of us in becoming an abundant source of coherence, comfort and service for our clients and in our world.  Being a source, as well as receiving from Source is, so far, the best way I’ve found of aligning with and experiencing abundance in my life.  But this is far from the end of my road; I always want to know more.  Tell me about your experiences with abundance and Resonance Repatterning.  Let’s all of us work to align with “an overflowing fullness” of all that life has to offer.

Joie Jacobsen
Holistic Practitioner
Resonance Repatterning®, VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, SOURCE Integrative Heart Awareness, YOUR Story: Allegory Healing Meditation, and Tarot

Transformation: our business and our magic

We are in the business of transformation in Resonance Repatterning. I often thank new clients for their courage in coming in to do a process that will always bring about transformation on some level. And I watch people everyday try to avoid that same transformation.

We get so attached to how things are. The way we talk to our friends or co-workers, the way we take care of ourselves or how we don’t take care of ourselves. The food we eat, the thoughts we think.

The truth is that transformation is an exciting adventure and also scary as all get out. We love to watch movies about characters who make a major transformation in 2 hours. And yet when we ask ourselves to transform a habit, it can take us years.

The truth is, we are now involved in a universal pattern of change and as the Lakota elders say, “It’s time to let go of the riverbank and surrender to the current in the river.” We may be surprised by whom we recognize out in the middle of that fast moving current.

So how are you holding on to the riverbank? What habits or attitudes are you holding onto, even when you know it would be more fun to let go. Smoking or eating sweets, sarcasm with yourself or your family, criticism of the world or others instead of taking action yourself?

The trick is that whatever we have asked for in the past is now what we are flowing towards. It may not look like what we asked for because the packaging may be different. Or we may be being directed through all the clean-up of the past before we can get to the outcome. But be assured, it is some form of what you asked for weeks or months or years ago.
When you say you want a different job and then you lose the job you have, know that you were a part of creating that. When you say you want a relationship in your life that has meaning to you, and you come across a person who all of a sudden wants to be more involved in your life, know it’s part of the outcome you wanted.

The truth is that transformation is hard work when we are fighting to control it. It can be a huge adventure when we welcome it.  What would happen if you opened your arms to your life each day, knowing that it was bringing you something you had asked for in the past. Kind of like Christmas everyday. Our Reptilian brains say, “but what if I can’t handle it?, what if I feel out of control? what if others I care about won’t be there for me, if I change something?” These are all valid questions and yet they are part of change for all of us.

The best thing we can do is reassure that survivor, the Reptilian part of ourselves, trusting that we can handle anything we have asked for. Because the truth is, if we can imagine it, we are ready for it.

Transformation is the magic of life. It’s the alchemy of healing and feeling whole. It’s the ability to jump onto the trapeze of life and trust that life will be there to catch us and if not, the net is always below. And to know that if we fall into the net, we meet someone interesting in the fall.

As I grow older, I find that the only regrets I have are the things I didn’t give myself permission to try. And the best stories that I most value are the stories of times when I felt I had botched things the most. Don’t get me wrong, I am a Leo personality, with 7 planets in Leo. My ego and need to do things right is huge and yet taking a risk and showing up less than perfect are when I have bonded and loved more deeply than at any other time.

So I invite you into this elegant and messy time of transformation. As you look at the world, see all the possibilities of this chaos and conflict you can. People are being forced to look within themselves and find new ways of doing and being. And some of those ideas are miracles. What kind of miracles do you want to invite into your life? And how much of a limit do you want to put on that? And when you feel overwhelmed by it all, remember there are all kinds of processes that help to keep you aligned and clear about what you want. Resonance Repatterning certainly does that for me and I watch it help my clients everyday with just that. It provides the clarity and the energetic housecleaning that we all need in order to find the way to our extraordinary and miraculous outcomes.

Love yourself enough to let go of the riverbank and join us in the current of this fast moving river. It’s already flowing in the direction you asked for, just do what you need to do to relax and enjoy the ride. And if you feel like you are going under a bit, there are a lot of us out there to support you and each other.

Welcome to the ride of your life!!

Bobbie Martin